Tuesday, 15 March 2016



Tuesday, March 15
Renew Your Thinking
Today’s Devotional talks about our thought pattern. After you’ve given your life to Christ, you’ve got a responsibility. Before you became a Christian, you heard, and spoke words from the world. However, God gives us words that are more than “nice”; words of the Kingdom, with which to transform our lives from glory to glory. Click here to read today’s devotional to learn more.

Monday, 14 March 2016



Monday, March 14
Speak Heavenly Words
Today’s Devotional talks about heavenly words. Jesus tells us in John 12:49-50 that His words are the Father’s commandments. The Father gave Him a commandment of what He should say or what He should speak. In Christianity, We don’t speak for ourselves or from ourselves we speak for God. Click here to read today’s devotional to learn more.
God has designed divinity to be released through words! Click Here http://bit.ly/ROR-MAR-PDF to get your March Rhapsody of Realities and learn how to use the right words to chart the course of your life.
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Wednesday, 9 March 2016


Let Nothing Stop You

Today’s Devotional talks about our passion for the gospel. When it comes to preaching the Gospel, we must do it unafraid. Paul was aware, through the Spirit’s witness, that he’d be put in jail, and be in trouble in Jerusalem, yet he was undeterred. He was bold and courageous for the Gospel.
  Read today’s devotional to learn more.

Friday, 4 March 2016




Friday, March 04

The Authentic Christian Life

Today’s Devotional explains the authentic Christian life. Christianity is Christ alive and at work in you. There’s no Christianity without the Holy Spirit; the only way to live the authentic Christian life is through the Holy Spirit. Irrespective of how nice one might seem, if that person doesn't have the Holy Spirit, he can’t live as a Christian. Click here read today’s devotional to learn more.

Thursday, 3 March 2016




Thursday, March 03

Don’t Despise Prophecy
Today’s Devotional talks about prophecy. The gift of prophecy is a door to the supernatural; it’s a way to bring the supernatural power of God into your life, finances, job, or congregation if you’re a minister of the Gospel. To prophesy is to speak words that have divine potency; words that have life. Click here to read today’s devotional to learn more.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Wednesday, 02 March 2016
Unalloyed Commitment To The Gospel
Today’s Devotional talks about our commitment to the gospel. Paul had an unselfish devotion to the Gospel. His commitment was so fervent that no threat could deter him. He had a sentence of death on himself; his considerations weren't about his personal safety, but the task at hand: the propagation of the Gospel. Click here to read today’s devotional to learn more.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Welcome to the month of March, it's a month to spread, strength and true success. You have His glory in your life, and the implication of this is that you’re full of honour and Kingdom dignity!
Tuesday, 01 March 2016
The Strengthener In You
Today's Devotional talks about the Holy Spirit as our strengthener. As a child of God, you're never without strength, because there's a strengthener in you-the Holy Spirit. He ministers to you as your Strengthener. He strengthens you and takes steps to ensure that everything works out right for you. Click here to download the devotional for March. Enjoy!